Direct Billing for Massage Therapy

We offer direct billing to select insurances for our Massage Therapy Services.

What is Direct Billing for Massage Therapy?

Direct billing for massage therapy is when you can get your treatment covered by an extended health care plan. Direct billing for massage therapy is not insurance but means that your massage therapist will submit your treatment costs directly to your insurance company. Depending on the extent of your coverage, you can receive the care you need without needing to pay out of pocket or submit a claim. Please note that all treatment fees are the responsibility of the patient. If direct billing is not available we ask that you pay for your visit upfront and we will provide you with a receipt which you can submit to your extended health carrier for reimbursement.

Check with your insurer when booking your initial appointment to see if massage therapy is covered by your Extended Heath Benefit. You can see a full list of participating insurances for direct billing here. And don’t forget, if you have no massage therapy coverage, we can still see you and get excellent care at a reasonable price!

Get Your Massage Therapy Covered

The healthcare industry is rapidly changing, especially when it comes to massage therapy. More and more people are learning about the benefits of massage therapy, which is why more people are requesting that their massage therapists be direct billed by their insurance companies. Massage therapy can be used to treat a wide range of conditions including chronic pain, stress/anxiety, headaches and migraines, injury rehabilitation, and promotes overall wellness. It’s hard enough dealing with pain or other symptoms, let alone the added stress of finding ways to cover it. By using direct billing, you can take advantage of your benefits without having to worry about paying out of pocket or submitting a claim.

Check with your insurer to see if massage therapy direct billing is available under your extended health care benefit.

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Start your journey to pain-free living with revibe’s massage therapy services.